The following resources are being made available to help guide you through the process of writing an Exegetical Research Paper. These resources will help you think critically about interpreting the Scriptures accurately, understand the process of the Three Step Model of Bible Interpretation, and help you find and apply general principles for today. These tools are indispensable for any serious student of the Bible who is seeking to understand and interpret Scripture for personal devotions, Bible Study, preaching, etc.
1) Keys to Bible Interpretation
In order to gain a proper understanding of a book or passage from the Bible, there are certain assumptions every student of Scripture must be made aware of and come to understand.
2) Practical Guidelines for Writing an Exegetical Research Paper
Introductory guide to The Three Step Model of Bible Interpretation. This method helps the student understand Scripture by:
1) Understanding the Original Situation,
2) Finding General Principles,
3) Applying General Principles for Today.
3) Key Steps to Biblical Interpretation – Expanded Outline
This expanded outline breaks down each step of The Three Step Model of Bible Interpretation. When finished filling in the outline and answering each question asked, the student will have a solid base of information to interpret Scripture and write an Exegetical Research Paper.
4) How to Make an Informal Outline of a Bible Passage
Creating an outline as you read Scripture can help you identify the main ideas of a passage, make sure that every part of a passage is taken into account, and give insight into what is being communicated.
A guide to help you “give credit where credit is due” when writing an Exegetical Research Paper. Topics include: Plagiarism, Citation References, Notes, and Works Cited.