The Urban Ministry Institute of HoustonĀ (TUMI) equips and empowers disciples to become the next generation of Christian church leaders to serve in urban mission fields in Houston and across the nation.
The Urban Ministry Institute of HoustonĀ (TUMI) equips and empowers disciples to become the next generation of Christian church leaders to serve in urban mission fields in Houston and across the nation.

The way in which TUMI of Houston fulfills its mission is two-fold:
First, is to activate existing Christian community leadership to send their lay-leaders to train and become equipped with biblical, theological and ministerial education so they too may increase the expression of the Kingdom of God as urban saints and warriors within existing congregations and new urban church plants.
Second is to reach and teach men and women, who have truly been born again while inside prison and jail walls, to become Christ-centered catalysts for spiritual transformation in their homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and the community around them, once they have returned home.